Potato Minced Meat Pie

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ingredients: (21cm tart pan)

150 gm butter
250 gm plain flour
1 tsp sugar
1 egg yolk
A pinch of salt
100 gm yogurt

3 large potatoes (diced)
2 large Onions (diced)
150g minced meat (marinated)
Mixed Vegetable
Seasonings (salt, oyster sauce , pepper etc)

Methods :-
  1. Mix flour, sugar, salt together in a mixing bowl.
  2. Rub butter into flour mixture until like breadcrumbs. (see pic Above)
  3. Add in yogurt and egg yolk, mix to a dough.
  4. Chill the dough for at least 30mins as it will be very soft and hard to handle. (for easy handling, i split the dough into 2 portion. Place a portion between 2 cling wraps and shape them with a rolling pin into a flat round sheet before chilling.)
  5. Prepare the fillings. (I usually steam the potatoes 1st before stir fry-ing with the rest of the ingredients, easier and shorten cooking time =p)
  6. Spread 1 portion of the chilled dough sheet on the base of the pan. Poke holes on it with a fork.
  7. Top up the pie with fillings.
  8. Spread the other portion of the dough sheet on top.
  9. Brush the top of the pie with egg white.
  10. Baked at 180 degree C for 25-30mins (till golden brown)
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